Sync any (almost) phone with your music, videos, photos, podcasts. Finally.

doubleTwist is a good-looking software package that can manage your media (music, photos, video, podcasts) so that it can be accessed by your mobile device (Android, Palm, BlackBerry, etc). If someone wants the media skills of an iPod with the flexibility of an open platform, this might be the killer app.

As I look to transition from my BlackBerry to likely an Android-based phone, this might be just what I need.

Posted via web from arvind's posterous

Waiting for Superman - looks to be a hard look at the American public school system

Wow, this trailer for Waiting for Superman was difficult to watch. It appears to present a critical eye of how school works, from a parent/student point of view. Real assistance is needed for schools, and I'm at a total loss for what that help might look like. I am hopeful, but nervous all at the same time.

Posted via web from arvind's posterous