Elegantly designed modern-day furniture

Wow, the team that designed the new New York City subway cars and JetBlue's touch-screen terminals now comes out with furniture for the modern office. Designs that are about creating warm, workable, interactive spaces. I love the aesthetics. Read more at FastCompany.

How do you create an effective workspace? Does furniture matter? I think about this a lot when looking at classrooms. Some people are really pushing how aesthetics of a space impact performance. Just think about the average classroom where all desks face the blackboard. It suggests that the info is at the front and is being delivered to the kids - that's not necessarily bad, it is just what the room creates. Do we need to change that? I'd argue generally, yes.

Posted via email from arvind's posterous

Google ditches Windows on security concerns - sounds like PR stunt to me

Google ditches Windows on security concerns

via ft.com

In wild, but not shocking, news Google is phasing out support for Microsoft Windows on employee machines. This doesn't seem to be a public announcement so much as news sniffed out from employees. According to the FT article employees can choose the Mac OS or Linux (no mention of which version/flavor). They also discuss Chrome, although unlikely that engineers will be working on Chrome since it is supposed to be a web-OS, no? Don't they need apps, compilers, hard drive storage, etc? Lots to be seen in this story, but for now just looks like Google taking a jab at Microsoft. Nice jab.

via @courosa

Posted via web from arvind's posterous